
How To Get A Business Loan With Bad Credit Score?

How To Get A Business Loan With Bad Credit Score?

Nov 2019
Jan 2025

As a small business owner, when you go to a bank for a business loan, instead of looking at the performance of your business, the bank will check your personal credit score first. This means, even if your business is performing well and profitably, a fair credit score of 600-650 could prevent you from getting a small business loan. A credit score of under 600 portrays you as a high-risk borrower and will make it nearly impossible to borrow even a small loan.A low credit score stops business loans being disbursed to profitable and stable businesses. Bad credit history will follow you and your business for years. For example, you may have owned a successful business for a few years and now you are looking for funds to expand into another city or purchase more equipment, but when you visit the bank, the loan officer turns you away. Why? The answer is easy – his decision is based on your poor personal credit history.

Credit scores

There is no standard scale that defines your credit score. That evaluation varies from a credit agency to a credit agency as they set their own criteria. A credit report from Equifax may give a person one number, while a credit report from another institution will very likely suggest a higher or lower credit score for the same person. Credit scores in Canada are officially assessed by two entities: Equifax and TransUnion.

  • The higher the credit score, the safer it is to lend to you
  • Credit scores typically range from 300 to 900

Credit score brackets:

  1. 800-900 – Highest bracket; excellent credit history
  2. 700-799 – Very good credit history; lowest interest rates available
  3. 650-699 – the Lowest score that can receive standard loans
  4. 600-649 – Fair score; higher interest rates applicable
  5. 300-599 – Low scores; less likely to receive business loans

Therefore, if you have a credit score of 649 or lower, it will dramatically reduce the chance of your business loan being approved. Since major banks first look to the business owner’s personal credit score, even exceptional business performance may not make you eligible for loans, or high-interest rates may apply to you.

What happens if you have a low credit score?

If the borrower has a bad credit score, other than a higher likelihood of being refused a loan by the major financial institutions, there are a few other ramifications:

  • Higher interest rates on loans and lines of credit
  • Difficulty finding business premises
  • Security deposits required by utility companies
  • Higher insurance premiums for business assets

Private lenders help small businesses with bad credit history get loans

Fortunately, there are ways of getting business loans for your company even if you - the borrower - have bad credit. To get small business loans with bad credit history, private lenders are one of the best options. These are more local lenders, better tuned to market conditions, who offer more flexible loan options. There are many private lenders that can provide small business loans. Bad credit history or credit score will make little or no difference to the loan, depending on the type of loan you opt for. Moreover, the application process is much easier and repayments are more flexible. It is possible that a private lender will ask you to open a business bank account with them before they provide you with funding.

How to get a business loan with a bad credit score?

Merchant cash advance (MCA) lenders provide cash advances, customize private terms and business equity line of credit to small business owners. This would be the best way to get a business loan with no credit assessment, and beneficial repayment terms if you happen to have a bad credit history. Instead of checking your personal credit score, a merchant cash advance provider assesses your business’ performance and monthly credit card sales.The MCA lender will give you an upfront sum of cash in exchange for a percentage of the business’s daily credit card income.  The MCA lender will tie into the credit card processor directly to settle credit card payments so the business owner does not have to worry about missing the payments or dealing with administrative processes. There are many pros and cons of having MCA but regardless of that, it is still considered as the best way to get business fundings.A private term loan gives you the same perks as a small business loan from a major lending institution. However, the private lender does not give the same weight to your bad credit when deciding on the small business loan. Instead, the lender mitigates the risk with fixed daily repayment terms.A business equity line of credit is much less reliant on the credit history of the business owner. Therefore, if you have a bad credit history and require financing for your business, you can use your equity in the business as collateral. A business equity line of credit helps businesses resolve their cash flow issues, though it does require putting up a part of your ownership as collateral.

Start-up bad credit business loans

For entrepreneurs with bad credit seeking business loans for their start-up, private lenders and alternative lending are the best options. Where small business loan applications at major institutions have a less than 25% chance of approval, merchant cash advance (MCA) approvals stand at over 97%! This is because MCAs do not evaluate the business owner’s personal credit score, and only take into account business performance. Besides that, MCAs can be approved within 4-6 hours.Government loans and grants are also great options. Both have flexible repayment terms and offer additional business support to small entities. However, some of the government loans may require a good credit history and may have strict eligibility criteria.

Using business loans to rebuild your credit

Apart from using funds to expand their business, business loans can help borrowers improve their personal credit scores. Once you opt for an equity line of credit or a private term loan, make sure to pay on time and your credit score will improve over time. As a result, the better your credit score is, the lower your interest rates will be and you will have a greater chance to access financial lending markets.Borrowing is an inherent part of any business regardless of its size and the industry it operates in. Major financial institutions and private lenders usually lend to businesses with exceptional credit histories opposed to those with a bad one. Don’t let your bad credit history stop your business from getting the financing it needs. Options such as a merchant cash advance (MCA) will provide you with the required funding, as well as improve your credit card history in general. If you think it might be a good solution for you, do not hesitate to get in touch with us.

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The Pros and Cons of a Merchant Cash Advance

When considering financing options for your small or medium-sized business, a merchant cash advance (MCA) may seem like the perfect alternative to a traditional business loan. While there are certainly many benefits to this type of lending choice, there are also some cons to keep in mind when determining whether an MCA is right for you. Learn more about pros and cons of a Merchant Cash Advance.

Benefits of Merchant Cash Advance

PRO (Benefit):  MCAs are available to those with poor credit

Business loans typically require a business owner and business to have good credit ratings. On the other hand, merchant cash advances consider your future sales projections, not your credit history. Since MCAs are repaid using future credit and debit revenue, a poor credit rating and collateral aren’t relevant to the lender.

PRO(Benefit): MCAs get you cash faster

The approval process for a merchant cash advance is much quicker than a business loan. In some cases, a business owner can have the money requested in their bank account in less than 48 hours.

Cons of Merchant Cash Advance

CON: Lenders are unregulated

The MCA industry is largely unregulated, which makes it possible for some lenders to charge hefty interest fees and take advantage of their customers. Be careful, read reviews, and ask questions of your lender before you decide on a merchant cash advance.

CON: Daily deductions can hurt cash flow

Repayment of a merchant cash advance occurs by deducting funds from credit card receipts, sometimes on a daily basis. Make sure to check with your MCA provider the repayment details of the plan you are signing up for.Merchant cash advances are an alternative lending method for small business owners who need cash fast and may not have the collateral or credit to get bank loan approval. However, before you apply for an MCA, make sure you do your homework, ask questions, think about pros and cons of a Merchant Cash Advance and if you need advice on alternative lending solutions, we are always here to help.

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The Future of the MCA Industry

Today’s small businesses don’t need to rely on big banks for financing options. Over the past decade, there has been a rise in alternative MCA Industry that make it easier and faster for startups and small businesses to find the cash they need when they need it.When business owners consider applying for a merchant cash advance (MCA), it is usually because they are in need of cash flow immediately, have poor credit, or haven’t had success with traditional loan applications. MCAs give business owners flexibility as funds can come through to their bank accounts within days and the transaction requires no personal guarantee. This is because MCAs are not considered loans, so there is no need to put up collateral to receive an advance.Merchant cash providers are strictly offering an immediate cash infusion for a portion of a business’s future earnings through repayment plans or a percentage of upcoming credit card transactions. As credit card use has expanded, this type of lending has become increasingly popular with businesses whose sales often come via card, not cash.As the MCA industry continues to grow, what will the future of MCA lending look like?

Collaboration with Commercial Banks

The success and growth of the merchant cash advance industry have led commercial banks to reevaluate their lending requirements to become more competitive with MCA providers. While banks must maintain strict lending standards, they may begin to partner or collaborate with MCA industry leaders like investors, advisors, or partners.Commercial banks are noticing the simplicity and necessity of offering small businesses quick and easy financing but may not be able to provide it themselves. By working with an MCA provider, they can give their clients additional options that have been vetted by the bank.

Changes in Oversight

One of the main differences between merchant cash advances and other more traditional forms of funding is that MCAs are exempt from state and federal oversight. This means MCA providers with poor reputations can go unchecked and there are no set standards in place for interest rates or procedural best practices.With the recent boom of the MCA industry, it may be necessary for an increase in oversight to help clamp down on lenders who are mistreating clients or to set standards for this growing sector. This would help protect small businesses, as well as lend credibility to those MCA providers that are doing the best work for their clients.

Additional Offerings

Some MCA providers are beginning to diversify their offerings to compete with new financing options offered by prominent names like PayPal and Square. This means some MCA providers may consider offering more traditional loans, lines of credit, and cheaper rates than their larger competitors.In addition, since small businesses are beginning to have more and more confidence in the MCA process, the interest of venture capitalists and other investors has grown. This might mean the creation of new technology and credit score models that may disrupt how financing has previously been regulated.

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Merchant Cash Advance vs. Cheques Factoring

Managing a small business is challenging. One of the common challenges for business owners is financing. Your company might not have a lengthy credit history or collateral to apply for a bank loan. Whether you want to grow your business or cover unforeseen expenses, you have come across other financing options. Merchant cash advance and cheques factoring are some of the available options for small businesses.

What Is Merchant Cash Advance?

A merchant cash advance is an alternative financing option for small businesses. You can take the funds upfront and pay them off with a percentage of future sales. The MCA is an ideal solution for businesses that need fast funding and might not be eligible to take a bank loan. The availability of funds is another excellent advantage. If your business needs the funds fast to proceed with the operations, the cash advance will be approved within a day or two.


Fast access to funds

When timing is crucial and you can't go through the lengthy bank approval process, the MCA is your solution. Small businesses can get funds within a day or two from submission. Unlike the traditional bank process, the financial institutions that issue MCAs don't do rigorous checks. They will check the business's past sales to determine whether they qualify for a cash advance.

Ideal for businesses that work with cash and credit cards

Retail and restaurant businesses rely on a high volume of credit card sales, making them ideal for obtaining MCA. If your business depends on cash or credit cards, a cash advance is the ideal financing method. This opportunity is perfect for the ones that don't rely on invoices. Instead, they take a percentage of the credit card sales to repay the loan.


High-interest rates

Merchant cash advance comes with higher interest rates than traditional bank loans. The convenience of having the funds fast will cost more. However, the price is worth paying when you need urgent funds to proceed with the business operations.

What Is Cheques Factoring?

A post-dated cheque is a cheque that can be cashed on the indicated date on the document's face. It is a form of advance payment and can be cashed on a specific date. According to Canadian laws, a cheque can't be cleared before this date. If you still need cash to keep your business's liquidity, you can sell the cheque to a factoring company.


Fast approval

Depending on the date indicated on the check face, you might have to wait long to receive the payment. If you need to meet your business needs urgently, factoring your cheques will provide you with funds quickly. They will pay off a particular value of the face value while keeping a specific percentage as a fee.

No credit score checks

When applying for a traditional bank loan, they will do a rigorous check on your financial history. When your small business is relatively new and doesn't have a credit history, you might be restricted from obtaining such loans. Your ability for cheque factoring isn't assessed with credit history, and you aren't required to disclose collateral. This is very important, as you don't need to put your property or equipment at risk. The factoring company will check the check for authenticity.

Not deal with cheques

Having to deal with cheques is a tedious job. Passing this responsibility to a third party means less time spent sorting out cheques so that you can focus on the more important aspects of your business.


Higher cost

The factoring company will charge fees to provide you with the cash in advance. They will usually pay 80% of the amount indicated on the face. However, the high cost might pay off if you need money urgently.  


Cheques factoring companies might have specific requirements for cashing out your document. For example, the check drawer should be a reputable entity. Also, the factoring company might have particular requirements on the cheque's active time.

Merchant Cash Advance vs. Cheques Factoring

For cheques factoring, you will pay a fee to the factoring company expressed as a percentage of the total amount. On the other hand, you will pay off your MCA as a percentage of your future sales. When choosing the suitable financing method for your company, select the one that is a better fit for your needs. We at 2M7 are dedicated to providing the needed funds to enhance your business's liquidity without restrictions on how to use them. Get in touch with us, and we will answer your specific needs!

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