
Which Industries Benefit the Most from Merchant Cash Advance?

Which Industries Benefit the Most from Merchant Cash Advance?

Oct 2019
Jan 2025

Many business owners have trouble accessing traditional business loans. If you’re one of them, you may be wondering about alternative funding solutions. One of those solutions is the merchant cash advance, or MCA. Some businesses benefit from Merchant Cash Advance more than others. If you’re in one of these industries, MCAs could be the right choice for you.

Restaurants Need More Flexibility

Many restaurants face huge ups and downs, making their income somewhat unpredictable.If you already accept credit cards, merchant cash advances are a great way to secure flexible funding. MCAs could also help you invest in kitchen upgrades or follow up on trends like food trucks or local eating. You might even be able to open a second location to keep business growing.

MCAs Help Auto Repair Shops

Traditional financing can be risky for an auto repair shop. If you fall behind on payments, the lender might decide to collect on the loan collateral. That could mean the loss of expensive equipment or even your garage space.Merchant cash advances let you keep working without fear of the debt collector. Payments are based on your credit card sales, so there’s no need to worry about missing a payment.

Specialty Retailers Benefit from Merchant Cash Advance

Retail is another industry with slim margins. Specialty retailers face even slimmer margins, often because they’re selling to a small crowd.MCAs could help you weather the ups and downs. They could also help you upgrade your space or move to a more attractive one, so you can be where your customers are.

Is MCA Right for You?

Merchant cash advance has benefits for many different businesses. If you think it might be the right solution for you, get in touch with us. We can help you explore all financial solutions for your business.

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How to Get Business Financing With Poor Credit

If you are looking to grow your business, then you may find it challenging if you have poor credit. However, there are a number of options that can help your business get the financing with poor credit. Here’s a look at the steps you can take to secure fencing for your business with poor credit.

1) Check your credit score

The first thing that you should do is know your credit score. If your credit score is below 700, then your credit will be considered subprime. Also, this can prevent you from the top business financing options. You can credit your credit score for free on Credit Karma. You can also request one credit report, per year, from the two major credit reporting agencies.

2) Know your options

Once you know your credit score, then you can explore your options. In fact, if you have a low credit score, then you will want to consider the following types of financing options:

  • Business credit cards - There are a number of business credit cards that allow customers with subprime credit scores. While these credit cards may have higher interest rates, they will allow your business to get the quick funding that you need.
  • Merchant cash advance - A merchant cash advance is an advance based on the credit card sales deposited into your business’s bank accounts. In short, a merchant cash advance can help you get access to your money faster for a small fee. Many businesses used merchant cash advance to gain faster cash flow.
  • Short-term line of credit - A short-term line of credit allows you to draw from a pool of funds. When you pay back the loan with interest, then you can draw from the line of credit again.

3) Create a business plan

If you are looking to secure a short-term business loan, it is a good idea to have a business plan. After all, the bank will want to know what type of business that you are in and how you intend to generate revenue. A well-organized business plan will increase your chances of being approved for a short-term business loan.

4) Have collateral

If you have any form of collateral, then you can secure a loan much more easily. Here are some types of collateral that can allow you to get the funds that your business needs:

  • Vehicle
  • Property
  • Inventory
  • Unpaid invoices
  • Cash

5) Find a co-singer

Finally, you can find a co-signer that can help you secure a loan or financing with poor credit. A co-signer can be anyone from a member of the family to a business partner. The co-signer should be aware that they are liable for the loan if you don’t pay back the principal or the interest.

Getting your business up and running

Bad credit doesn’t have to stop you from funding your business. At 2M7 Financial Solutions, we do not require a credit score to issue a merchant cash advance. Apply now to get a merchant cash advance today.

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Benefits of a Merchant Cash Advance for Small Business

As you seek out new financial solutions for your business, you’re wondering about merchant cash advances. What is an MCA, and what can it do for your small business?As it turns out, a merchant cash advance has serious benefits for small businesses. Check out these advantages, and you might be convinced that an MCA is the right move for you.

Funding Based on Your Future, Not Your Past

One of the biggest benefits of a merchant cash advance is that your future is more important than your past. With a traditional bank loan, you must provide your business’s past income and revenue. They’ll also want to see the business’s credit score and maybe your personal credit score.A merchant cash advance, however, is extended on the basis of anticipated future sales. The lender examines your past credit card and debit card sales to make an estimate about what you’ll earn in the future. They offer the advance based on what you’re likely to bring in.That’s great news for small businesses without a lot of history under their belt. Plus, since it’s forward-looking, it takes into consideration that your business is growing. That’s much better than a traditional loan that looks at your past and doesn’t consider your future needs.

You Can Use It for What You Need

A merchant cash advance offers more flexibility to a small business. Some traditional loans will earmark your funds for particular business uses. An equipment loan, for example, needs to be used to buy equipment. A payroll loan must fund payroll.An MCA can be applied to either of these expenses. Since the funds aren’t earmarked, you could use the MCA to help with payroll. Then you could take any leftover funds and put them towards that equipment.You can even use the MCA to help with day-to-day operations. Need petty cash? The MCA’s funds could stock it up. What about keeping the lights on? The MCA could help you with the electricity bill too.This gives small business owners greater freedom and flexibility than other traditional loan products.

A Merchant Cash Advance Offers More Payment Flexibility

Perhaps the biggest benefit is that the MCA gives small businesses more flexibility when repaying the advance.With a traditional loan, you’ll have a set monthly payment. If you experience a poor sales month, then you might only be able to make a partial payment. You might default on the loan or require another loan to pay it back.The MCA is different. The lender takes a percentage of your actual credit card sales as payment. When you have a good month, you can pay your MCA back faster. If you hit rough waters, then the payment decreases accordingly. You don’t need to worry about defaulting on the payments.

Discover the Benefits of an MCA for Your Business

These benefits can make a merchant cash advance the right choice for many businesses, but they’re especially helpful for small business owners.Ready to see what an MCA could do for your business? Get in touch with the experts to get the funds you need today.

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