
Merchant Cash Advance vs. Cheques Factoring

Merchant Cash Advance vs. Cheques Factoring

Apr 2022
Jan 2025

Managing a small business is challenging. One of the common challenges for business owners is financing. Your company might not have a lengthy credit history or collateral to apply for a bank loan. Whether you want to grow your business or cover unforeseen expenses, you have come across other financing options. Merchant cash advance and cheques factoring are some of the available options for small businesses.

What Is Merchant Cash Advance?

A merchant cash advance is an alternative financing option for small businesses. You can take the funds upfront and pay them off with a percentage of future sales. The MCA is an ideal solution for businesses that need fast funding and might not be eligible to take a bank loan. The availability of funds is another excellent advantage. If your business needs the funds fast to proceed with the operations, the cash advance will be approved within a day or two.


Fast access to funds

When timing is crucial and you can't go through the lengthy bank approval process, the MCA is your solution. Small businesses can get funds within a day or two from submission. Unlike the traditional bank process, the financial institutions that issue MCAs don't do rigorous checks. They will check the business's past sales to determine whether they qualify for a cash advance.

Ideal for businesses that work with cash and credit cards

Retail and restaurant businesses rely on a high volume of credit card sales, making them ideal for obtaining MCA. If your business depends on cash or credit cards, a cash advance is the ideal financing method. This opportunity is perfect for the ones that don't rely on invoices. Instead, they take a percentage of the credit card sales to repay the loan.


High-interest rates

Merchant cash advance comes with higher interest rates than traditional bank loans. The convenience of having the funds fast will cost more. However, the price is worth paying when you need urgent funds to proceed with the business operations.

What Is Cheques Factoring?

A post-dated cheque is a cheque that can be cashed on the indicated date on the document's face. It is a form of advance payment and can be cashed on a specific date. According to Canadian laws, a cheque can't be cleared before this date. If you still need cash to keep your business's liquidity, you can sell the cheque to a factoring company.


Fast approval

Depending on the date indicated on the check face, you might have to wait long to receive the payment. If you need to meet your business needs urgently, factoring your cheques will provide you with funds quickly. They will pay off a particular value of the face value while keeping a specific percentage as a fee.

No credit score checks

When applying for a traditional bank loan, they will do a rigorous check on your financial history. When your small business is relatively new and doesn't have a credit history, you might be restricted from obtaining such loans. Your ability for cheque factoring isn't assessed with credit history, and you aren't required to disclose collateral. This is very important, as you don't need to put your property or equipment at risk. The factoring company will check the check for authenticity.

Not deal with cheques

Having to deal with cheques is a tedious job. Passing this responsibility to a third party means less time spent sorting out cheques so that you can focus on the more important aspects of your business.


Higher cost

The factoring company will charge fees to provide you with the cash in advance. They will usually pay 80% of the amount indicated on the face. However, the high cost might pay off if you need money urgently.  


Cheques factoring companies might have specific requirements for cashing out your document. For example, the check drawer should be a reputable entity. Also, the factoring company might have particular requirements on the cheque's active time.

Merchant Cash Advance vs. Cheques Factoring

For cheques factoring, you will pay a fee to the factoring company expressed as a percentage of the total amount. On the other hand, you will pay off your MCA as a percentage of your future sales. When choosing the suitable financing method for your company, select the one that is a better fit for your needs. We at 2M7 are dedicated to providing the needed funds to enhance your business's liquidity without restrictions on how to use them. Get in touch with us, and we will answer your specific needs!

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How to Get Business Financing With Poor Credit

If you are looking to grow your business, then you may find it challenging if you have poor credit. However, there are a number of options that can help your business get the financing with poor credit. Here’s a look at the steps you can take to secure fencing for your business with poor credit.

1) Check your credit score

The first thing that you should do is know your credit score. If your credit score is below 700, then your credit will be considered subprime. Also, this can prevent you from the top business financing options. You can credit your credit score for free on Credit Karma. You can also request one credit report, per year, from the two major credit reporting agencies.

2) Know your options

Once you know your credit score, then you can explore your options. In fact, if you have a low credit score, then you will want to consider the following types of financing options:

  • Business credit cards - There are a number of business credit cards that allow customers with subprime credit scores. While these credit cards may have higher interest rates, they will allow your business to get the quick funding that you need.
  • Merchant cash advance - A merchant cash advance is an advance based on the credit card sales deposited into your business’s bank accounts. In short, a merchant cash advance can help you get access to your money faster for a small fee. Many businesses used merchant cash advance to gain faster cash flow.
  • Short-term line of credit - A short-term line of credit allows you to draw from a pool of funds. When you pay back the loan with interest, then you can draw from the line of credit again.

3) Create a business plan

If you are looking to secure a short-term business loan, it is a good idea to have a business plan. After all, the bank will want to know what type of business that you are in and how you intend to generate revenue. A well-organized business plan will increase your chances of being approved for a short-term business loan.

4) Have collateral

If you have any form of collateral, then you can secure a loan much more easily. Here are some types of collateral that can allow you to get the funds that your business needs:

  • Vehicle
  • Property
  • Inventory
  • Unpaid invoices
  • Cash

5) Find a co-singer

Finally, you can find a co-signer that can help you secure a loan or financing with poor credit. A co-signer can be anyone from a member of the family to a business partner. The co-signer should be aware that they are liable for the loan if you don’t pay back the principal or the interest.

Getting your business up and running

Bad credit doesn’t have to stop you from funding your business. At 2M7 Financial Solutions, we do not require a credit score to issue a merchant cash advance. Apply now to get a merchant cash advance today.

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3 Signs You Should Consider a Merchant Cash Advance

A merchant cash advance (MCA) is a popular alternative to the more traditional business loan, but these cash advances are not a perfect fit for every business owner. If you are looking for different financing options, consider some of the main reasons small business owners decide to choose an MCA.

MCA Repayments Are Within Sight

The repayment of a merchant cash advance is generated through a percentage of future credit and debit card revenue. If you believe that you will have the funds to repay the MCA in a reasonable time period, an MCA is a great option for a temporary cash infusion.

You Need Funding Fast

The approval process for an MCA compared to a business loan is considerably faster. Most MCA providers can approve applications and provide funding within 24-48 hours. If you know you have money coming in, but need a little extra to cover over a cash flow gap, to buy equipment, or to invest in business growth, an MCA is a great option.

No Restrictions

Some traditional lending options may put restrictions or dictate how you can spend any money you have borrowed. With a merchant cash advance, business owners are free to do what they need to do, and the approval is based on future revenue projections of the business, not its current value.Not having a constant supply of capital on hand shouldn’t stop you from growing your business. We can help you determine whether an MCA is right for you. Speak to an expert today.

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What’s the Difference between MCA and Business Loan?

If you’re a small business owner, you know it can be difficult to maintain cash flow. While there are different financing options on the market, many people might consider a merchant cash advance (MCA) and a business loan to be the same thing. While these are both legitimate options to consider, there are key differences you should know before choosing between a merchant cash advance and a business loan.

Bank Loans are the More Traditional Option

A bank loan is the more traditional financing option and what many people consider when they are starting a business or require additional capital, for example. Once approved for the loan, the bank provides a lump sum of cash in exchange for monthly payments over a set period of time with either a fixed or variable interest rate.

Merchant Cash Advances Have Crucial Differences

The merchant cash advance industry is one of the pioneers in alternative lending options - these are not your traditional business loans.An MCA provides your business with a lump-sum payment, like a loan, but the repayment plan is not structured in monthly installments. Instead, the MCA is repaid using a percentage of future credit and debit card sales drawn directly from your future revenue.MCAs, therefore, do not qualify as a loan and don’t require personal guarantees or a stellar credit score.If your small business needs an influx of capital, consider a merchant cash advance before you visit your bank. If you have questions about the differences between lending options, we are always here to help.

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