
Securing Your Business: 5 Practices to Secure Your Business Online

Securing Your Business: 5 Practices to Secure Your Business Online

Dec 2019
Jan 2025

Almost three quarters of business leaders say they aren’t prepared for a cyberattack. As breaches become more common, business owners and IT experts must protect their businesses. These five best practices make securing your business online easier.

1. Educate Your Employees

One of the best things that helps securing your business online is to train and educate your employees. With the right training, they’ll be able to use the right security techniques.

2. Stay Up to Date

Another important step you can take towards online security is updating your software. Software developers are always testing and patching potential problems. These patches and updates help keep your business more secure.

3. Firewalls Secure Your Business

A firewall protects your internal networks from outside threats. If you let employees bring their own devices, these security measures are even more important.

4. Limit Access to Your Network

Another important step is limiting who has access to the Internet through your networks.Secure access by creating accounts and monitoring privileges. If you have a public network, be sure to change the password regularly. That way, cybercriminals can’t gain access through hijacked devices that have stored login information.

5. Invest in Website Security

The last step to creating online security for your business is to secure your website. Invest in an SSL certificate. Make sure you’re compliant with standards such as those for the payment cards industry.If you’re not sure what security measures you can take, ask your host. Online security isn’t just your responsibility. The partners you work with should also take steps to protect your information and your business.If you require quick access to cash to support your business online – a merchant cash advance is the fastest and easiest way of getting the necessary funds. Talk to us to discover options on how we can help you secure and grow your business.

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Get the Funds You Need

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Securing Your Business: 5 Practices to Secure Your Business Online

Almost three quarters of business leaders say they aren’t prepared for a cyberattack. As breaches become more common, business owners and IT experts must protect their businesses. These five best practices make securing your business online easier.

1. Educate Your Employees

One of the best things that helps securing your business online is to train and educate your employees. With the right training, they’ll be able to use the right security techniques.

2. Stay Up to Date

Another important step you can take towards online security is updating your software. Software developers are always testing and patching potential problems. These patches and updates help keep your business more secure.

3. Firewalls Secure Your Business

A firewall protects your internal networks from outside threats. If you let employees bring their own devices, these security measures are even more important.

4. Limit Access to Your Network

Another important step is limiting who has access to the Internet through your networks.Secure access by creating accounts and monitoring privileges. If you have a public network, be sure to change the password regularly. That way, cybercriminals can’t gain access through hijacked devices that have stored login information.

5. Invest in Website Security

The last step to creating online security for your business is to secure your website. Invest in an SSL certificate. Make sure you’re compliant with standards such as those for the payment cards industry.If you’re not sure what security measures you can take, ask your host. Online security isn’t just your responsibility. The partners you work with should also take steps to protect your information and your business.If you require quick access to cash to support your business online – a merchant cash advance is the fastest and easiest way of getting the necessary funds. Talk to us to discover options on how we can help you secure and grow your business.

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The Future of the MCA Industry

Today’s small businesses don’t need to rely on big banks for financing options. Over the past decade, there has been a rise in alternative MCA Industry that make it easier and faster for startups and small businesses to find the cash they need when they need it.When business owners consider applying for a merchant cash advance (MCA), it is usually because they are in need of cash flow immediately, have poor credit, or haven’t had success with traditional loan applications. MCAs give business owners flexibility as funds can come through to their bank accounts within days and the transaction requires no personal guarantee. This is because MCAs are not considered loans, so there is no need to put up collateral to receive an advance.Merchant cash providers are strictly offering an immediate cash infusion for a portion of a business’s future earnings through repayment plans or a percentage of upcoming credit card transactions. As credit card use has expanded, this type of lending has become increasingly popular with businesses whose sales often come via card, not cash.As the MCA industry continues to grow, what will the future of MCA lending look like?

Collaboration with Commercial Banks

The success and growth of the merchant cash advance industry have led commercial banks to reevaluate their lending requirements to become more competitive with MCA providers. While banks must maintain strict lending standards, they may begin to partner or collaborate with MCA industry leaders like investors, advisors, or partners.Commercial banks are noticing the simplicity and necessity of offering small businesses quick and easy financing but may not be able to provide it themselves. By working with an MCA provider, they can give their clients additional options that have been vetted by the bank.

Changes in Oversight

One of the main differences between merchant cash advances and other more traditional forms of funding is that MCAs are exempt from state and federal oversight. This means MCA providers with poor reputations can go unchecked and there are no set standards in place for interest rates or procedural best practices.With the recent boom of the MCA industry, it may be necessary for an increase in oversight to help clamp down on lenders who are mistreating clients or to set standards for this growing sector. This would help protect small businesses, as well as lend credibility to those MCA providers that are doing the best work for their clients.

Additional Offerings

Some MCA providers are beginning to diversify their offerings to compete with new financing options offered by prominent names like PayPal and Square. This means some MCA providers may consider offering more traditional loans, lines of credit, and cheaper rates than their larger competitors.In addition, since small businesses are beginning to have more and more confidence in the MCA process, the interest of venture capitalists and other investors has grown. This might mean the creation of new technology and credit score models that may disrupt how financing has previously been regulated.

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