
Top 3 Small Business Risks to Avoid

Top 3 Small Business Risks to Avoid

Jul 2019
Jan 2025

Starting a new business can be an exciting and exhilarating experience, but sometimes small business owners get caught up wearing too many hats that they stumble into common business pitfalls. Avoid risks in your organization by learning the top small business threats.

Lack of Legal Expertise

Smaller businesses may not have the in-house legal expertise to read over contracts and consistently ensure legal compliance. Whether you decide to hire someone with legal experience or find an outsourced partner, small business owners should always feel confident they are protected against legal action.

Liability Concerns (Personal and Business)

Small business owners have to consider all the types of insurance they might need. From personal liability insurance to cyber insurance and home-based business insurance, there are unique insurance risks small businesses face that shouldn’t be overlooked. Without proper insurance, one unforeseen accident could sink your business before you have the time to grow it.

Unforeseen Interruptions

No matter how well you plan, something is going to go wrong. Whether it’s a cash flow gap, unexpected work delay, or a flood, there will eventually come a time when you will need additional funding or capital to get through the interruption. While a business loan might first come to mind, consider a merchant cash advance to get funding faster.If you are looking for an alternative funding solution made for small businesses, consider how a merchant cash advance can help you get back on track. Talk to one of our experts today.

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Why Maintaining a WorkLife Balance is So Important

People are working harder than ever. Chances are, you have put in some long hours at your job. While this is admirable, it is also important to make sure that you have a proper work-life balance. Here’s a look at the top benefits of properly balancing your life at the office and at home.

1) Reduces stress

According to a recent survey, due to Covid-19, the majority of the Canadians feel stressed during the day. With stress comes adverse effects to the body and the mind. Lots of that stress comes from fixation with work. Therefore, it is important to take your mind and your body away from the workplace to allow yourself time to depressurize from your daily responsibilities.

2) Prevents burnout

More and more people are switching careers. One of the reasons why people will leave a career after a few years is because of burnout. Therefore, it is important for people to have a chance to relax and not have to grind all the time at their job. By preventing burnout, you can continue on your career and potentially reach new heights at your job.

3) Ensures physical well being

No matter what your age, it is important to stay physically active. For those who work in an office for 12 hours a day, it is hard to get the physical activity needed to stay healthy. Thence, it is important for you to get out of the office, go for a walk or do some simple exercises to get the blood flowing and properly maintain your body. By staying physically active, you can lower your blood pressure, maintain a proper weight and prevent atrophy of your muscles.

4) It increases productivity

When you have a proper work-life-balance, you are able to get more things done. That’s because you will be refreshed and comfortable at your job which can lead to better productivity. It’s a good idea to give yourself at least 12 hours of free time between workdays to allow you to recharge and have full focus at your job.

5) Allows you to enjoy life

It’s important that you take the time to enjoy your life. After all, you will not look back on your life and regent not taking that extra business meeting. When you take the time to enjoy life, it will give you the energy to be more productive at your job. Be sure to give yourself time to take a vacation every now and then to feel better.

Need Help When Work Becomes Overwhelming?

If your business needs a little help, rely on 2M7 Financial Solutions to help you get back on track. We can provide your business with a merchant cash advance in one business day. Contact us today to learn more.

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September 24, 2021
January 24, 2025

5 Most Common Reasons Businesses Look for Funding

Funding is the only way to turn startups into successful businesses. Getting funding is easier said than done. However, it’s a fact that you need sufficient money to get your business to the next level. Investment and funding are required to raise the necessary capital to either initiate or run a business. The working capital is the option on which companies rely for the smooth running of affairs and uncalled crisis. Funding coupled with motivation, determination, and brilliant ideas can kick start the business off the ground. Lack of proper and timely funding can collapse business strategies and decrease capital, which ultimately causes failure. If you’re wondering why businesses consider looking for funding, you’re at the right place. Following are some reasons due to which funding becomes essential for companies.


Growth and development are the foremost motives of a business before seeking funding. Acquiring new clients, local businesses, and marketing to improve outreach are all the prospects of growth. Establishing additional branches and expanding services is also the result of the funding sought for the sake of growth.

Working Capital

Another significant reason for obtaining fundings is working capital. Working capital is the monetary assets that provide the companies with sustainability. Managing regular affairs and retaining the quality of services are done through the working capital. It can be used to stock the inventory and carry out successful purchases by efficient expenditure. Insufficient working capital can cause detrimental effects to the business in the longer run. The current affairs and prospects depend on the working capital, which is provided through funding.

Acquiring Assets

To hold a firm position in the market and among the competitors, businesses need to purchase assets. Eliminating the competitors in the market is the feature of having more assets. Businesses can emerge out as a winner when they become the sole provider of a service. Companies can either buy shares or completely acquire other businesses. Assets not only strengthen the company but also enhance its market value.

Initiating New Ventures

Companies use funding to plant new ventures. These endeavours can promote the business and increase its progress. To conduct these strategic ventures companies, need ambition and funding. They can articulate ambition in their employees, but for funding, they need help.

Boosting Startups

Funding is vital to support startups in the fierce market. Startups usually have scant resources that can soon become insufficient, leading to a business catastrophe. Startups need financial help and investments to accomplish their goals and thrive among the competitors.

Getting an MCA

Companies can find investors that either work independently or with an organization to gain the required funding. They can also opt for loans from banks. However, the much better alternative is a merchant cash advance that focuses on the growth of a business. Companies prefer MCA as the conditions of the loan are appropriate to their predicament. The best part about getting an MCA is that paying it back is extremely convenient. You’ll only be paying back a specific percentage of your monthly earning. And, if there’s a month where you don’t generate revenue due to whatever reason, you won’t need to pay the finance company back anything. Receiving timely fundings can save companies from derailments. If you’re looking for a financial organization that can get you the resources you need to boost your business, 2M7 is just the company you should work with. We’ve helped hundreds of companies like yours in the past with our incredible 97% approval rating. We offer merchant cash advances to businesses in all industries and of all sizes. Gain an edge over your competition and contact us today.

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January 24, 2025

Types of Alternative Financing for Small Businesses

Extra financing a common problem for small businesses. Maybe you need to hire an employee or you require additional equipment to manage incoming orders. Whatever the case, you need capital to keep the business not just running but growing too. There is the traditional bank loan, but you’re not sure you’ll qualify. Maybe your application was rejected. Now you’re wondering what alternatives you have. If you’re looking for alternative financing options for small business, then check out these choices. One of them may be the right fit for your business.

Check Out a Merchant Cash Advance

The first alternative financing option to consider is a merchant cash advance, or MCA. This is different from a loan, because the lender looks at your future sales. They examine your past credit card sales to determine trends in the business. They use that information to estimate your likely future sales. Then they make you an offer for a cash advance. The MCA offers more flexibility than a traditional business loan, which makes it more attractive to small businesses. Your payments can fluctuate with your actual sales. If you do more credit card sales in a month, you’ll pay your advance back faster. If you have a bad month, your payment will be smaller, which can take the pressure off your business.

Think about a Line of Credit or Credit Card

A line of credit or business credit card are flexible options. These financing solutions are known as revolving credit. That means you can use them, in full or in part, to fund pretty much whatever your business needs at the moment. You can then pay them back as possible. As you pay down the line of credit or credit card, the funds become available for you to use again. This could be a great solution for a business with ongoing credit needs or one with some small cash flow issues.

Consider a Microloan

If you only need a small amount of money, you may be turned down for a business loan through the bank. That’s because institutional lenders tend to make big loans. They’re more lucrative for the lender. One option you have is a microloan. Microloans are typically offered by online lenders or other businesses, not big institutions, so do your research and choose a lender that works for you.

Look at Peer-to-Peer Lending

Yet another option you have is peer-to-peer lending. This could be a loan from a colleague or it might be run through a P2P lending platform. In the business world, there might be business-to-business, or B2B, lenders as well. These lenders can typically make you a better offer than an institution, and they may be more willing to finance smaller loan needs. You can usually find them online.

You Have Plenty of Options

As you can see, there are plenty of financing options available for small business. If you’ve been turned down for that bank loan, don’t fret. You can still find the funding you need. Is a merchant cash advance the right solution for you? Get in touch with the experts, and get the funds you need today.

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